Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A Dedication To The Amazing Pink Stamper

Hi guys,

This is my very first blog post...Whew-hoo for me.  Stick with me as I figure out this wacky world of blogging.

Let me give you a little background before I get going on this post.  I have been scrapbooking for about 6 years.  Last year around Christmas time a received a Cricut Expression from a dear friend.  What a great gift AND a great friend huh!  I was amazed.  Well, I was VERY intimidated by this machine that I had only seen on T.V.  It sat on my kitchen table until mid January, when I finally decided that it was high time I attempted to create something.  I went online looking for some type of information on how to operate the Cricut.  Well, I was TOTALLY bleseed to run across a YouTube video made by this lady showing me how to use my Cricut to make a card.  This lady also was a stamper and scrapbooker.  I was just amazed at what she was teaching and did a YouTube search for her.  Luckily this great lady has made a bunch of video tutorials on how to use the Cricut, and some other neat tips and tricks for crafters.

This great lady is none other than MyPinkStamper!  Now, I had never heard of her before, but I noticed that she had a blog, and a bunch of followers.  I sat and watched almost ALL of her videos in a two day period.  I was so inspired that I decided that what had seemed very intimidating to me (the Cricut and cardmaking) didn't seem so hard.  I could do this...I really could. 

So....I pulled out some of my scrapbooking materials and got to work.  The card below is my very first creation.  Now I know that it isn't as put together and fancy as some of the others people have done, but I was proud.  This got me hooked.  I was off to Hobby Lobby in a flash!!!  I purchased all sorts of neat papers, tools and embellishments.  I ordered some stamp sets and was off......

That was almost a year ago now, and I have made tons of cards and scrapbook pages.  Some of them you will see here.  I owe it all to Robyn...  She was and is such an inspiration to me.  if you haven't heard of her, which I'm sure you have, please visit her at http://www.mypinkstamper.com/  She will just amaze you with her knowledge and her upbeat positive attitude and humor! 

Please keep checking my blog as I add new cards and scrapbooking layouts.  Your comments are always welcome.  I hope to hear from you all.

The Scattered Scrapper


  1. These are amazing cards. Please start doing videos. Everyone needs to follow you!!!!

  2. Your cards were awesome. I too have this stamp set and just love it. Can't wait to see what you come up with next!

  3. Thanks Kisa..this is an older stamp set that I purchased on e-bay, but I love it too. I am going to try and do some videos...I will have to bribe my daughter in order to use her camera. Why is it that our kids have nicer things than we do?

  4. Oh my gosh, this could have been me writing this. It is almost identical to my story. LOL I got a small cricut when they came out several years ago for my scrapbooking and then never used it too much because I didn't want to buy too many cartridges. I then found Sure Cuts A Lot about two years ago and started using it for most of my titles. Then, about 4 months ago I discovered MPS on you tube when I wanted to learn to cut chip board (still haven't mastered that). I fell in love with my cricut all over again and even upgraded to the expression on Jan 1.

  5. Dallas,

    That is too funny! MPS is great. I haven't even attempted cutting chipboard yet. It seems beyond me. Have a great weekend.
